By Grace or By Faith

In this paper, I intend to prove that God never intended to do away with His commandments or the Old Testament.  The only part of the Old Testament that was done away with were the laws directly concerning the worshipping system in the Jewish Temple that was located in Jerusalem, before Rome destroyed the Temple […]

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The Two Worlds (Part 5 of 7)

Crossing the Barrier There are two worlds co-existing on earth.  Although the two worlds exist together, they are separated by rules God created.  Anyone forcing contact with the spiritual world becomes an enemy of God.  The two worlds are referred to in the Bible by these two names: Heaven and Hell.  Both these worlds begin […]

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How imagination destroys life (Part 2 of 2)

One of the primary rules affecting the human race as a whole is the fact that evil spirits have access through thought to all human brains.  Jesus’ brain was accessed by the devil when Jesus was tempted after His 40 days of fasting. The best kept secret in the world is that demons (the spirits […]

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Is Jesus God? (Part 2 of 4)

The Bible states that Jesus was born a natural human being (see Matthew 1:16 & Luke 3:23 below) like every other person on earth, and died just as all people must die (see Hebrews 9:27).  Therefore the man Jesus was simply a human being (see 1 Timothy 2:5). The extraordinary thing about Jesus is twofold: […]

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Shame (Part 3 of 3)

We can reconcile our relationship to God by the Word of God, who is the Bible and Jesus, but a person has to be willing to repent to achieve this reconciliation to God, but God is not going to accept partial repentance where the wife (you) is going to cheat on your Husband.  Since God […]

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For Jews Only (Part 41 of 42): The essential factor in love

Isn’t love keeping God’s commandments? “If you love me, keep my commandments. Blessed is he that keeps my commandments, and teaches men likewise; but cursed is he that breaks my commandments, and teaches men likewise. He shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven.” If keeping God’s commandments is the essential factor in […]

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Basic Instinct (Part 2 of 12): The sexual shut-down

Heat is a term used for women that explains why a woman needs a man.  (It is said that men burn to have sex with a woman, and women go into heat to tempt a man into burning to have sex with them.) Women have eggs, which when fertilized by the males’ sperm, begin the […]

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Basic Instinct (Part 1 of 12): Humans began their journey as animals

At the center of all neurosis and crime, misbehavior and unacceptable acts, is our instinct syndrome.  Human beings began their journey through time as animals.  All the information necessary for us as creatures inhabiting the earth had been already given to us prior to birth. The information is known as “instinct”.  The information known as […]

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The Two Worlds (Part 1 of 7)

The spiritual and physical worlds There are two actual worlds co-existing side-by-side, even though most people in the Western Hemisphere don’t believe it. One is a physical world and the other is a spiritual world. Life exists in both worlds. It is possible for these two worlds to contact each other, but contacting each other […]

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Animal Sacrifice (Part 2 of 2)

After Jesus’ Crucifixion Shortly after Rome murdered the Christ named Jesus, God also moved the Roman Empire to remove the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem in 70 A.D. This was God’s way of keeping the Jewish people from trampling on God’s Laws concerning the animal sacrifice. Once the final sacrifice of the Messiah Jesus occurred, the […]

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