Shame (Part 3 of 3)

We can reconcile our relationship to God by the Word of God, who is the Bible and Jesus, but a person has to be willing to repent to achieve this reconciliation to God, but God is not going to accept partial repentance where the wife (you) is going to cheat on your Husband.  Since God […]

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God’s Counterweapon (Part 1 of 3)

God’s plan to counteract satan Humanity was exposed to the wiles of satan. His only weapon is mentally influencing the human brain, which includes: lies, torment, perverting the true meanings of Biblical concepts, keeping God’s people from contacting other people, keeping people from reading the Bible, keeping people from assembling with believing people by providing […]

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Death (Part 2 of 3)

Death The Bible talks about 3 types of death: 1) Spiritual death occurs to living human beings if they allow demons to master their lives rather than God’s Word through the Bible. Originally, human beings only had to follow their instincts. Instinct is the original set of instructions God gave to all creatures. When human […]

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Death (Part 1 of 3)

Death enters the world – inside human brains  The Bible tells us Death entered the world as a result of Eve’s sin. This statement in not referring to physical death just beginning, which every animal including Mankind experiences sometime after they are born. Three results of Eve’s disobedience: The knowledge of death was added to […]

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The Automatic Watchdog

In a Nutshell When God created life, He also created an automatic system to manage and support His living spirits for eternity.  The support system God created is an automatic system.  It is not micro-managed by God; God does not manage it on a daily basis, nor on a yearly basis, neither does He manage […]

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