Mankind’s Pursuit of Knowledge (Part 1 of 2)

Mankind’s pursuit of knowledge decreases his instincts through the ages. 1.  As Mankind begins his journey from being an animal (prior to the first sin being committed) to becoming a human being (after the first sin was committed), his knowledge base increases through the millennium. 2.  Each generation has learned from previous generations, continuously gathering […]

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Angels and Archangels (Part 2 of 7)

The simplest proof comes from Jesus’ own words in 1 John 1:1-7 Read the following scriptures very carefully to see Jesus is the light! “That which was from the beginning, which we (apostles) have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled, of the Word […]

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Your physical and spiritual DNA (Part 3 of 3)

Jesus says the Father is a Spirit and you can only worship the Father in Spirit and Truth. It was not the Word alone that made Jesus the Christ, but Water (the Word) and Blood (life; residence of the Holy Spirit).  This teaches us that Jesus was absolutely Human. As Jesus is growing up, his […]

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Your physical and spiritual DNA (Part 1 of 3)

Elijah, can you explain the difference between the Spirit, Soul, Conscience, and Body? Sure. In 1989, I met a Japanese woman who was teaching this very subject.  She gave me one of her pamphlets on the subject.  I reviewed the pamphlet and showed her about 40 errors in her writings.  She could not accept being […]

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Shame (Part 2 of 3)

Eve was created out of Adam.  All human beings were created by God.  This is why Eve was Adam’s wife.  It is also why God is our husband.  In Isaiah 59:1-2, the Lord explains that it is not He that is causing a person’s loss of salvation or being saved from the terrible things that […]

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Shame (Part 1 of 3)

Why do we have shame? Where did shame come from? Shame originates in the Garden of Eden!  Eve brought shame into the world by breaking the commandment of God.  Once Eve broke the commandment of God, satan won the right to put thoughts directly into the brains of all human beings as a specie.  One […]

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For Jews Only (Part 38 of 42): Why are the Jews referred to as the chosen people? – Part E

What is a Jew?  The oldest document known to Man, written on that subject, is still with us today.  It is called the Old Testament of the Bible!  It explains the only criteria for being a Jew. The Bible states, a Jew is a human being that believes in the One God, the same God […]

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For Jews Only (Part 36 of 42): Why are the Jews referred to as the chosen people? – Part C

Gentile Christians who hate the sin of their own kind, when they see the Jews persecuted and murdered, should use this acid test to know they are the ancestors of the ten lost tribes of Israel. The apostle Paul referred to this mystery when he said, “I say then, Have they (the Jews) stumbled that […]

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For Jews Only (Part 34 of 42): Why are the Jews referred to as the chosen people? – Part A

This question poses two problems. What is a Jew? Where did the Jews come from? The second question is the easier one to answer. Since all human beings came from one pair of human beings, namely Adam and Eve, then all the various races on earth are simply branches of that tree.  This fact is […]

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God’s Plan for Mankind

God’s plan for Mankind God created life to coexist with Him in a paradise. The plan was to give human beings an eternal paradise in which to live, a material existence made up of the earth, as it was in the days of Adam. A paradise covered with forests filled with animals, producing thousands of […]

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