What is anxiety?

Anxiety means that you are contemplating that something is going to happen.  Anxiety comes from the fear of unknown. According to the Bible, women are the weaker vessels as a result of Eve’s sin.  Therefore, women suffer from anxiety more than men because the demons can influence a woman’s brain more easily than a man’s. […]

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With Faith, you cannot sin (Part 3 of 3)

Now, if thoughts originate from the spiritual world beyond the grave, then doubt, which comes in the form of thoughts are not your own thoughts until you agree with your brain to make those thoughts your desire.  When you have agreed with your thoughts, and decide to act out your thoughts, then you have become […]

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With Faith, you cannot sin (Part 2 of 3)

If thoughts only originate by you thinking, then how can you think about things you never learned?  And if you never learned about a particular idea or subject, then how is it possible to think about it? The answer is: It is not possible for the human brain to think about anything it did not […]

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With Faith, you cannot sin (Part 1of 3)

“The scripture hath concluded all under sin, that the promise by faith of Jesus Christ might be given to them that believe.”  (Galations 3:22) “Do you have faith? Have it to thyself before God. Happy is he that doesn’t condemn himself in that thing which he allows; and he that doubts is damned if he […]

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Your physical and spiritual DNA (Part 3 of 3)

Jesus says the Father is a Spirit and you can only worship the Father in Spirit and Truth. It was not the Word alone that made Jesus the Christ, but Water (the Word) and Blood (life; residence of the Holy Spirit).  This teaches us that Jesus was absolutely Human. As Jesus is growing up, his […]

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Your physical and spiritual DNA (Part 2 of 3)

Both soul and spirit are in residence within your mind, but there is a difference.  (The mind is not the brain and the brain is not the mind.) Your brain is flesh.  It is part of your body. Your mind is spirit.  It is not part of your body. Your personal spirit, God the Father, and […]

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Your physical and spiritual DNA (Part 1 of 3)

Elijah, can you explain the difference between the Spirit, Soul, Conscience, and Body? Sure. In 1989, I met a Japanese woman who was teaching this very subject.  She gave me one of her pamphlets on the subject.  I reviewed the pamphlet and showed her about 40 errors in her writings.  She could not accept being […]

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The Two Worlds (Part 4 of 7)

Demons must go further and further away from a person involved with reading or studying the Bible as long as that person believes what they are reading: which is the same as making a decision. Reading the Bible is like Light.  The more you read, the more light you have.  The more light you have, […]

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The Two Worlds (Part 3 of 7)

It is difficult to help people believe they can resist demonic suggestions injected into their brains, because people either refuse to believe a spiritual world exists, or are ignorant of how the spiritual world operates. Since people believe their thoughts are the sole product of their own brain’s ability to think, then it is unlikely […]

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Human Identity, Subcultures and War (Part 1 of 2)

Every person on earth develops an identity.  An identity is the foundational beliefs of a human being.  Each person born on earth is subjected to the teachings of their parents, friends, neighbors, community, and teachers.  The information taught to the child growing-up forms the basis of their identity.  Every nation on earth controls the basic information […]

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