The Two Worlds (Part 4 of 7)

Demons must go further and further away from a person involved with reading or studying the Bible as long as that person believes what they are reading: which is the same as making a decision. Reading the Bible is like Light.  The more you read, the more light you have.  The more light you have, […]

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The Two Worlds (Part 3 of 7)

It is difficult to help people believe they can resist demonic suggestions injected into their brains, because people either refuse to believe a spiritual world exists, or are ignorant of how the spiritual world operates. Since people believe their thoughts are the sole product of their own brain’s ability to think, then it is unlikely […]

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The Two Worlds (Part 2 of 7)

Heaven and Hell Heaven and Hell are actual parts of life on earth, as well as the names of places in the spiritual world. In the Beginning When the earth was created, the only spirits on earth were satan, who is Lucifer the Archangel, and all the fallen angels that followed him. The earth was […]

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The Two Worlds (Part 1 of 7)

The spiritual and physical worlds There are two actual worlds co-existing side-by-side, even though most people in the Western Hemisphere don’t believe it. One is a physical world and the other is a spiritual world. Life exists in both worlds. It is possible for these two worlds to contact each other, but contacting each other […]

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