The Two Worlds (Part 4 of 7)

Demons must go further and further away from a person involved with reading or studying the Bible as long as that person believes what they are reading: which is the same as making a decision. Reading the Bible is like Light.  The more you read, the more light you have.  The more light you have, […]

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Human Identity, Subcultures and War (Part 2 of 2)

A person’s identity is their foundation of life itself.  Once a child has grown into an adult, and sometimes earlier, that person’s identity has been formed.  It is who they believe they are.  It is the basis of the human brain’s balance. Every human being is born with instincts, but the culture into which a […]

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Is Jesus God? (Part 3 of 4)

The Bible tells us that the sins of the fathers will be visited upon their children to the third and fourth generation.  Here’s another way of saying, it is unfortunate that children inherit their parent’s sins.  The Bible also tells us that Jesus had no sin.  Therefore the special thing about Jesus was that His […]

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Is Jesus God? (Part 2 of 4)

The Bible states that Jesus was born a natural human being (see Matthew 1:16 & Luke 3:23 below) like every other person on earth, and died just as all people must die (see Hebrews 9:27).  Therefore the man Jesus was simply a human being (see 1 Timothy 2:5). The extraordinary thing about Jesus is twofold: […]

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Is Jesus God? (Part 1 of 4)

The mainline Christian churches, which include Roman Catholic, Greek and Russian Orthodox, and every Protestant church teach (excluding Jehovah Witnesses) believe that Jesus was just another form of God the Father.  This false doctrine stems from the Roman Catholic doctrine known as the Trinity. Here is another way of stating the false doctrine: God decided […]

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For Jews Only (Part 40 of 42): Why are the Jews referred to as the chosen people? – Part G

Nothing’s changed… besides it’s better than what the Gentiles are going to receive for doing it wrong, if that’s any consolation.  It’s the only role on earth that guarantees salvation.  Whereas, you Gentile Christians had better make sure your act is the right one, for the same guy that you claim to follow, said:  The […]

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For Jews Only (Part 39 of 42): Why are the Jews referred to as the chosen people? – Part F

What has all this to do with Jesus, Christianity, or for that matter being a Jew? The information disclosed in this writing has been offered to Jews only, for several reasons: To help Gentiles, Gentile Christians, Jewish Christians, and all Jews, understand the truth about the Jewishness of original Christianity: to assist Jews who are […]

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For Jews Only (Part 29 of 42): The Synagogue of Satan – The Roman Church uses Sorcery – Part B

The new holy Roman Empire was ready!  The Crusader Wars were successfully behind them.  They had accomplished the complete genocide of the Jews reformed religion, and in its place stood the Roman Catholic Church with Roman bishops manning the pulpits. Rome had taken God’s Kingdom by force, the original church, just as Jesus predicted to […]

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For Jews Only (Part 27 of 42): The second thousand year Reich (Kingdom) – the Roman Catholic Church – Part C

Rome wasn’t about to tempt fate again.  Therefore, they chose the most difficult cryptic writings coupled with their fabricated lies about the man Jesus.  They were sure the cryptic writings would confuse the masses, rather than teach them.  Then the Romans could control what they taught to the masses, by editing out any part of […]

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For Jews Only (Part 26 of 42): The second thousand year Reich (Kingdom) – the Roman Catholic Church – Part B

Roman bishops using intrigue, greed, and the desire for power, caused the rulers of nations to easily be deceived.  Rome set the kings upon their thrones around the world.  Then Rome manipulated those kings to expend their funds by pitting one nation against another, which the world just witnessed during the so-called Cold War between […]

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