For Jews Only (Part 30 of 42): The Synagogue of Satan – The Roman Church uses Sorcery – Part C

The messengers God would choose from amongst His chosen people.  The Jews would be given the ability to understand the hidden mysteries in the Bible.  These Jews were chosen to do the same work of exposing the lies fabricated about Jesus.  They would then set out to teach those truths, as they are recorded in […]

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For Jews Only (Part 26 of 42): The second thousand year Reich (Kingdom) – the Roman Catholic Church – Part B

Roman bishops using intrigue, greed, and the desire for power, caused the rulers of nations to easily be deceived.  Rome set the kings upon their thrones around the world.  Then Rome manipulated those kings to expend their funds by pitting one nation against another, which the world just witnessed during the so-called Cold War between […]

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Basic Instinct (Part 12 of 12): The true meaning of freedom

There are only two methods by which civilizations can operate: sharing and buying.  The sellers are the foundation upon which the rulers are built into a government imposing these conditions on the masses. The original system imposed on all animals is foraging and sharing.  Foraging is searching for naturally produced foods, which have been purposely removed […]

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