Human Identity, Subcultures and War (Part 1 of 2)

Every person on earth develops an identity.  An identity is the foundational beliefs of a human being.  Each person born on earth is subjected to the teachings of their parents, friends, neighbors, community, and teachers.  The information taught to the child growing-up forms the basis of their identity.  Every nation on earth controls the basic information […]

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For Jews Only (Part 41 of 42): The essential factor in love

Isn’t love keeping God’s commandments? “If you love me, keep my commandments. Blessed is he that keeps my commandments, and teaches men likewise; but cursed is he that breaks my commandments, and teaches men likewise. He shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven.” If keeping God’s commandments is the essential factor in […]

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Basic Instinct (Part 12 of 12): The true meaning of freedom

There are only two methods by which civilizations can operate: sharing and buying.  The sellers are the foundation upon which the rulers are built into a government imposing these conditions on the masses. The original system imposed on all animals is foraging and sharing.  Foraging is searching for naturally produced foods, which have been purposely removed […]

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Basic Instinct (Part 7 of 12): The sexual drive

Now let’s begin to dissect female behavior.  Remember the question, What do women want?  Like Sigmund Freud, I have personally asked thousands of women the same question during many hours of research I personally conducted.  The only answer I ever received from a woman was, “I do not know.” The reason women don’t know what […]

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Basic Instinct (Part 5 of 12): Keeping women imprisoned

Let’s investigate a so-called imprisoned female from an ancient eastern society first.  In her brain, she is convinced she is a prisoner in her own home.  Does she really differ from a modern Western woman?  No!  Just 50 years ago in the U.S., a woman felt imprisoned in her own home, because she was not […]

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Witchcraft, Astrology and Homosexuality

This question was sent to Elijah at The Underground Bible. “Hi, I’d like to know what are the truths about man doing Witchcraft and man being Homosexual? What about Astrology predictions and palm reading too? Please help me. I’m 20 years old and very confused with this world. Thanks.” -Style Dear Style, Thank you for […]

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Beyond the Bible

The Bible has been the tool used for the quests of five types of people: Religious rulers  Religious people Scholars Archaeologists  Men sent by God Religious rulers have used the Bible for their own personal quest to control the masses drawn to religion. Religious people have used the Bible for various reasons: the most ardent […]

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How to Make Your Dreams Come True?

Have you forgotten how to talk from your heart? Have you shifted how you look at things? It’s just as easy to see things from a negative point of view, as from a positive point of view. Then I have to ask: Why do people shift the way they think from positive to negative? An […]

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The truth about Jesus’ last supper – Part 2 of 2

In 1 Corinthians chapter 11, we see the apostle Paul writing this letter to a church which is having disputes, divisions about doctrine, and how and what customs are acceptable, such as: shaving one’s head, covering women’s heads, men with long hair, etc. In verse 16, “But if any man seem to be contentious, we […]

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The truth about Jesus’ last supper – Part 1 of 2

This is one of the deep, dark mysteries which seemingly befuddles the masses. If we approach the subject from this point of view, we are certainly going to wind up in the same mess as the church did during the dark ages. First, let me say that all scripture is easily understood, if we will […]

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