Human Identity, Subcultures and War (Part 2 of 2)

A person’s identity is their foundation of life itself.  Once a child has grown into an adult, and sometimes earlier, that person’s identity has been formed.  It is who they believe they are.  It is the basis of the human brain’s balance. Every human being is born with instincts, but the culture into which a […]

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Is Jesus God? (Part 3 of 4)

The Bible tells us that the sins of the fathers will be visited upon their children to the third and fourth generation.  Here’s another way of saying, it is unfortunate that children inherit their parent’s sins.  The Bible also tells us that Jesus had no sin.  Therefore the special thing about Jesus was that His […]

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Shame (Part 3 of 3)

We can reconcile our relationship to God by the Word of God, who is the Bible and Jesus, but a person has to be willing to repent to achieve this reconciliation to God, but God is not going to accept partial repentance where the wife (you) is going to cheat on your Husband.  Since God […]

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Shame (Part 2 of 3)

Eve was created out of Adam.  All human beings were created by God.  This is why Eve was Adam’s wife.  It is also why God is our husband.  In Isaiah 59:1-2, the Lord explains that it is not He that is causing a person’s loss of salvation or being saved from the terrible things that […]

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Shame (Part 1 of 3)

Why do we have shame? Where did shame come from? Shame originates in the Garden of Eden!  Eve brought shame into the world by breaking the commandment of God.  Once Eve broke the commandment of God, satan won the right to put thoughts directly into the brains of all human beings as a specie.  One […]

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For Jews Only (Part 41 of 42): The essential factor in love

Isn’t love keeping God’s commandments? “If you love me, keep my commandments. Blessed is he that keeps my commandments, and teaches men likewise; but cursed is he that breaks my commandments, and teaches men likewise. He shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven.” If keeping God’s commandments is the essential factor in […]

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For Jews Only (Part 39 of 42): Why are the Jews referred to as the chosen people? – Part F

What has all this to do with Jesus, Christianity, or for that matter being a Jew? The information disclosed in this writing has been offered to Jews only, for several reasons: To help Gentiles, Gentile Christians, Jewish Christians, and all Jews, understand the truth about the Jewishness of original Christianity: to assist Jews who are […]

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For Jews Only (Part 32 of 42): The Witch Hunts Begin – Part B

Here is the Biblical proof from Jesus that we must keep God’s commandments, which is love: “Master, which is the great commandment in the law? Jesus said unto him, You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart (brain), and with all your soul (your personal spirit), and with all your mind (instinct). […]

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Animal Sacrifice (Part 2 of 2)

After Jesus’ Crucifixion Shortly after Rome murdered the Christ named Jesus, God also moved the Roman Empire to remove the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem in 70 A.D. This was God’s way of keeping the Jewish people from trampling on God’s Laws concerning the animal sacrifice. Once the final sacrifice of the Messiah Jesus occurred, the […]

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God’s Plan for Mankind

God’s plan for Mankind God created life to coexist with Him in a paradise. The plan was to give human beings an eternal paradise in which to live, a material existence made up of the earth, as it was in the days of Adam. A paradise covered with forests filled with animals, producing thousands of […]

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