What is anxiety?

Anxiety means that you are contemplating that something is going to happen.  Anxiety comes from the fear of unknown. According to the Bible, women are the weaker vessels as a result of Eve’s sin.  Therefore, women suffer from anxiety more than men because the demons can influence a woman’s brain more easily than a man’s. […]

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The Two Worlds (Part 7 of 7)

Demonic spirits Demonic spirits really exist.  They are all around us everyday of our lives.  They can go anywhere except into the light. The light is not referring to daylight, but is referring to understanding the truth as it is given to us from the Bible.  Every day great numbers of people die and are […]

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Demons, the brain, and the Bible. (Part 2 of 2)

“Another thing is, since human nature, or the old self, tends to creep around the new self in order to destroy it, the only reason this does happen to most people who believe, is that demons are hard at work giving thoughts to the children of God. People must first take control of their own brains […]

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Demons, the brain, and the Bible. (Part 1 of 2)

“Dear Elijah, I have another comment to make regarding being saved by following the commandments and following conscience.  I believe a person who is saved will follow their heart (the heart according to the Bible means your brain) or conscience  (according to the Bible means Jesus’ Spirit, who resides inside you and everyone else on earth).  The […]

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How does Jesus save you?

“I don’t think the majority of Jews on earth that read the Word read the entire Word (the Bible) because the New Testament is full of focus on the Messiah, who is the one we call today Jesus or Yeshua, who is the Lord. I guess what I am asking is, when you say Jews […]

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The Two Worlds (Part 5 of 7)

Crossing the Barrier There are two worlds co-existing on earth.  Although the two worlds exist together, they are separated by rules God created.  Anyone forcing contact with the spiritual world becomes an enemy of God.  The two worlds are referred to in the Bible by these two names: Heaven and Hell.  Both these worlds begin […]

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With Faith, you cannot sin (Part 3 of 3)

Now, if thoughts originate from the spiritual world beyond the grave, then doubt, which comes in the form of thoughts are not your own thoughts until you agree with your brain to make those thoughts your desire.  When you have agreed with your thoughts, and decide to act out your thoughts, then you have become […]

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With Faith, you cannot sin (Part 2 of 3)

If thoughts only originate by you thinking, then how can you think about things you never learned?  And if you never learned about a particular idea or subject, then how is it possible to think about it? The answer is: It is not possible for the human brain to think about anything it did not […]

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The War of the Angels (Part 3 of 3)

The only problem is the Bible tells us these two-winged angels are the angels of wickedness, and not angels of God.  There are no other two-winged angels in the Bible.  We are told these female two-winged angels, with wings like a stork, are the angels who oppose God! Since most of Christianity – people and […]

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The War of the Angels (Part 2 of 3)

The idea that people have Guardian Angels is wrong!  The Bible teaches us, in the New Testament, that Jesus became the Comforter after He was murdered on the cross.  The Bible teaches us that the Comforter is the Spirit of Truth and the Spirit of Prophecy.  The Bible teaches that God lives inside us and […]

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