The Nature of Procreation

The objective of this paper is to set down the order in which nature presumed to continue the human specie! The world around us has deviated greatly from the original plan God intended for His creation. The world around us is commonly referred to as ‘civilization’. Civilization is actually a process invented by Man over […]

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By Grace or By Faith

In this paper, I intend to prove that God never intended to do away with His commandments or the Old Testament.  The only part of the Old Testament that was done away with were the laws directly concerning the worshipping system in the Jewish Temple that was located in Jerusalem, before Rome destroyed the Temple […]

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Shame (Part 3 of 3)

We can reconcile our relationship to God by the Word of God, who is the Bible and Jesus, but a person has to be willing to repent to achieve this reconciliation to God, but God is not going to accept partial repentance where the wife (you) is going to cheat on your Husband.  Since God […]

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Is Tiger Woods a victim of the Western world?

Is Tiger Woods a philanderer, sex addict, or victim of the Western world?   Elijah’s 12-part series “Basic Instinct” reveals what may have driven Tiger Woods to his sexual exploits.   To read the section on monogamy and polygamy, click here Basic Instinct, Part 9: The western v. eastern mentality To read the entire “Basic Instinct” […]

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Shame (Part 2 of 3)

Eve was created out of Adam.  All human beings were created by God.  This is why Eve was Adam’s wife.  It is also why God is our husband.  In Isaiah 59:1-2, the Lord explains that it is not He that is causing a person’s loss of salvation or being saved from the terrible things that […]

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Shame (Part 1 of 3)

Why do we have shame? Where did shame come from? Shame originates in the Garden of Eden!  Eve brought shame into the world by breaking the commandment of God.  Once Eve broke the commandment of God, satan won the right to put thoughts directly into the brains of all human beings as a specie.  One […]

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Basic Instinct (Part 11 of 12): Mastery over the human race

The female instinct to survive that causes the woman to override her basic instinct to have her eggs fertilized, resulted in the female submitting to the new male even when she was not in heat.  This new way of life resulted in women having two men in their lives as sexual mates: a condition that […]

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Basic Instinct (Part 8 of 12): The problem with monogamy

One of the strongest drives taught to men and women early in life is to seek the approval of our peers and masters.  When people fail in this arena, they develop a low self esteem or a hatred for authority, amongst other neurosis.  Knowing how life is supposed to work, and how it was originally […]

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Basic Instinct (Part 5 of 12): Keeping women imprisoned

Let’s investigate a so-called imprisoned female from an ancient eastern society first.  In her brain, she is convinced she is a prisoner in her own home.  Does she really differ from a modern Western woman?  No!  Just 50 years ago in the U.S., a woman felt imprisoned in her own home, because she was not […]

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Basic Instinct (Part 3 of 12): The reproduction of the human race

Men are also prone to inflict their misguided knowledge upon women, willing to allow their female instincts to dictate reproduction, by not allowing the female to produce children.  Men’s reasons are also many, the least of which is children cost too much money.  Other reasons include the male’s only reason for marrying are: to have […]

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