Your physical and spiritual DNA (Part 3 of 3)

Jesus says the Father is a Spirit and you can only worship the Father in Spirit and Truth. It was not the Word alone that made Jesus the Christ, but Water (the Word) and Blood (life; residence of the Holy Spirit).  This teaches us that Jesus was absolutely Human. As Jesus is growing up, his […]

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Shame (Part 1 of 3)

Why do we have shame? Where did shame come from? Shame originates in the Garden of Eden!  Eve brought shame into the world by breaking the commandment of God.  Once Eve broke the commandment of God, satan won the right to put thoughts directly into the brains of all human beings as a specie.  One […]

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God’s Counterweapon (Part 1 of 3)

God’s plan to counteract satan Humanity was exposed to the wiles of satan. His only weapon is mentally influencing the human brain, which includes: lies, torment, perverting the true meanings of Biblical concepts, keeping God’s people from contacting other people, keeping people from reading the Bible, keeping people from assembling with believing people by providing […]

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Man and Woman (Part 3 of 3)

Your soul is your own personal spirit. Adam was different than all the other creatures God created, because Adam had a living soul (spirit). Adam was also given the ability to freely make decisions or a Free Will, which no other living creature or thing possesses. Dead Spirits also have ‘Free Will’, but they are […]

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Man and Woman (Part 2 of 3)

A ‘living spirit‘ is also called a soul in the Bible. Each human being’s body is built around their own personal spirit. Each spirit God created is unique. There are no two spirits alike. You are your personal spirit. It is your essence. Your personal spirit or soul is the real ‘you’ living inside your […]

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God Knows Everything

The World God Created The Creation is not a work in progress. It is an automatic system. Churches teach that God interacts with the human race and world events on a daily basis, but this is wrong. It does not work that way. The way the Bible is written seems to be telling us that […]

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Time — Part 2

It took hundreds of billions of years for our planet to reach a point where it could support human life. Therefore, it will take millions of years for the planet earth to reach that point again. The amount of ‘Time’ it takes to rebuild the earth as a paradise doesn’t matter, if you’re asleep. The […]

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The Garden of Eden (Part 4 of 4)

The Birth of Civilization The devil knew God would banish Cain from the Garden after he murdered Abel. This meant Cain left the Garden of Eden after he received the ability to gather new knowledge, which was a direct result of Eve’s sin. Now, the human beasts outside the Garden would have Cain as their […]

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The Garden of Eden (Part 3 of 4)

The devil‘s strategy depends on human beings. The devil (satan) is helpless on his own. His powers are so limited in our physical world that he cannot do anything by himself. He needs human beings to carry out his schemes. Otherwise, satan would not have needed the human being named Judas Iscariot to betray Jesus’ […]

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The Garden of Eden (Part 2 of 4)

In Ezekiel, Chapter 31, there is a passage that tells us all about Pre-Adamic Man. He is called the Assyrian. He is very tall like a cedar tree. Suffice it to say, this passage gives us other information concerning how this giant grew in stature, and that he lived outside the Garden of Eden. Ezekiel […]

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