Shame (Part 2 of 3)

Eve was created out of Adam.  All human beings were created by God.  This is why Eve was Adam’s wife.  It is also why God is our husband.  In Isaiah 59:1-2, the Lord explains that it is not He that is causing a person’s loss of salvation or being saved from the terrible things that […]

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Shame (Part 1 of 3)

Why do we have shame? Where did shame come from? Shame originates in the Garden of Eden!  Eve brought shame into the world by breaking the commandment of God.  Once Eve broke the commandment of God, satan won the right to put thoughts directly into the brains of all human beings as a specie.  One […]

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For Jews Only (Part 37 of 42): Why are the Jews referred to as the chosen people? – Part D

It is this common belief in One God who created everything that has bound the varying races together into a perfectly woven nation called Israel.  It was the only nation on earth where strangers (foreigners) could become full fledged family members without ever being ostracized or reminded that they weren’t really blood brothers.  For no […]

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For Jews Only (Part 34 of 42): Why are the Jews referred to as the chosen people? – Part A

This question poses two problems. What is a Jew? Where did the Jews come from? The second question is the easier one to answer. Since all human beings came from one pair of human beings, namely Adam and Eve, then all the various races on earth are simply branches of that tree.  This fact is […]

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Basic Instinct (Part 1 of 12): Humans began their journey as animals

At the center of all neurosis and crime, misbehavior and unacceptable acts, is our instinct syndrome.  Human beings began their journey through time as animals.  All the information necessary for us as creatures inhabiting the earth had been already given to us prior to birth. The information is known as “instinct”.  The information known as […]

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Life Before and After Death

Spiritual life Life was originally created prior to this world’s existence. Life was originally created in an eternal spiritual realm. All existent life was in the form of spirits. Spirits have no form or mass, which means they can’t be seen or weighed. Since life was created to exist eternally, there is no relative time […]

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God’s Counterweapon (Part 1 of 3)

God’s plan to counteract satan Humanity was exposed to the wiles of satan. His only weapon is mentally influencing the human brain, which includes: lies, torment, perverting the true meanings of Biblical concepts, keeping God’s people from contacting other people, keeping people from reading the Bible, keeping people from assembling with believing people by providing […]

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Animal Sacrifice (Part 1 of 2)

The Redemption Plan – Animal Sacrifice God’s plan included a sacrifice. The original word used for sacrifice was “victim”. God allowed sinful Mankind to use a victim, an innocent animal, to take the blame and punishment for his sins. The original victim was a baby lamb. Abel offered a lamb for his sins as instructed, […]

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Death (Part 3 of 3)

The Destruction of the earth The Destruction of the earth is a fact. It cannot be stalled or stopped. Once Adam and Eve set the human race on the road to destruction, the countdown began; it is called ‘Time’.  This is why God designed an escape plan for human beings called Salvation, which simply means […]

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Death (Part 2 of 3)

Death The Bible talks about 3 types of death: 1) Spiritual death occurs to living human beings if they allow demons to master their lives rather than God’s Word through the Bible. Originally, human beings only had to follow their instincts. Instinct is the original set of instructions God gave to all creatures. When human […]

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