The Two Worlds (Part 4 of 7)

Demons must go further and further away from a person involved with reading or studying the Bible as long as that person believes what they are reading: which is the same as making a decision. Reading the Bible is like Light.  The more you read, the more light you have.  The more light you have, […]

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For Jews Only (Part 37 of 42): Why are the Jews referred to as the chosen people? – Part D

It is this common belief in One God who created everything that has bound the varying races together into a perfectly woven nation called Israel.  It was the only nation on earth where strangers (foreigners) could become full fledged family members without ever being ostracized or reminded that they weren’t really blood brothers.  For no […]

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For Jews Only (Part 32 of 42): The Witch Hunts Begin – Part B

Here is the Biblical proof from Jesus that we must keep God’s commandments, which is love: “Master, which is the great commandment in the law? Jesus said unto him, You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart (brain), and with all your soul (your personal spirit), and with all your mind (instinct). […]

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For Jews Only (Part 26 of 42): The second thousand year Reich (Kingdom) – the Roman Catholic Church – Part B

Roman bishops using intrigue, greed, and the desire for power, caused the rulers of nations to easily be deceived.  Rome set the kings upon their thrones around the world.  Then Rome manipulated those kings to expend their funds by pitting one nation against another, which the world just witnessed during the so-called Cold War between […]

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For Jews Only (Part 13 of 42): The Collapse of the Roman Empire – Part D

The Roman Emperor Nero’s plan was perfect even though it cost him his life; because it unleashed havoc across the vast Roman Empire.  Jews everywhere, known as Christians, suffered death at the hands of their friends and neighbors (see Revelation Chapter 11); after which they would celebrate a great feast around the world in commemoration […]

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