The Two Worlds (Part 4 of 7)

Demons must go further and further away from a person involved with reading or studying the Bible as long as that person believes what they are reading: which is the same as making a decision. Reading the Bible is like Light.  The more you read, the more light you have.  The more light you have, […]

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The Two Worlds (Part 3 of 7)

It is difficult to help people believe they can resist demonic suggestions injected into their brains, because people either refuse to believe a spiritual world exists, or are ignorant of how the spiritual world operates. Since people believe their thoughts are the sole product of their own brain’s ability to think, then it is unlikely […]

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For Jews Only (Part 41 of 42): The essential factor in love

Isn’t love keeping God’s commandments? “If you love me, keep my commandments. Blessed is he that keeps my commandments, and teaches men likewise; but cursed is he that breaks my commandments, and teaches men likewise. He shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven.” If keeping God’s commandments is the essential factor in […]

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For Jews Only (Part 31 of 42): The Witch Hunts Begin – Part A

Rome’s only defense, from the 13th to the 16th centuries A.D., against the Protestants, was to cause the nations under her control, to clean house every so often.  Hence Jesus said, You will hear of wars and rumors or wars. The Spanish Inquisition was the first tool Rome used to sweep Europe clean of the […]

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For Jews Only (Part 30 of 42): The Synagogue of Satan – The Roman Church uses Sorcery – Part C

The messengers God would choose from amongst His chosen people.  The Jews would be given the ability to understand the hidden mysteries in the Bible.  These Jews were chosen to do the same work of exposing the lies fabricated about Jesus.  They would then set out to teach those truths, as they are recorded in […]

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For Jews Only (Part 29 of 42): The Synagogue of Satan – The Roman Church uses Sorcery – Part B

The new holy Roman Empire was ready!  The Crusader Wars were successfully behind them.  They had accomplished the complete genocide of the Jews reformed religion, and in its place stood the Roman Catholic Church with Roman bishops manning the pulpits. Rome had taken God’s Kingdom by force, the original church, just as Jesus predicted to […]

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For Jews Only (Part 28 of 42): The Synagogue of Satan – The Roman Church uses Sorcery – Part A

Rome erred!  They did not believe there was one God of creation, since they evoked things to happen through many different rituals.  They believed in magic and the sorcery of Egypt.  They used the art of exact formulas to cause things to happen.  Their belief did not include one God who was in total control!  […]

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