For Jews Only (Part 10 of 42): The Collapse of the Roman Empire – Part A

The Bible accounts and the recorded historical accounts agree that the Roman Empire was turned upside down by these thick headed, never wavering Jewish people, who had always refused to reject their belief in their One God (the God of Israel) who is not the God of the Gentiles! Jewish stubbornness caused widespread belief in […]

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God’s Counterweapon (Part 3 of 3)

God’s Trap God’s plan involved tricking satan into killing Jesus. God chose, assembled, and trained the Jewish people as priests several thousand years prior to the birth of Christ. There were two reasons for the existence of the Jewish nation: To be the priests anointed by God to offer the final sacrifice of the Passover […]

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The Garden of Eden (Part 3 of 4)

The devil‘s strategy depends on human beings. The devil (satan) is helpless on his own. His powers are so limited in our physical world that he cannot do anything by himself. He needs human beings to carry out his schemes. Otherwise, satan would not have needed the human being named Judas Iscariot to betray Jesus’ […]

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The truth about Jesus’ last supper – Part 2 of 2

In 1 Corinthians chapter 11, we see the apostle Paul writing this letter to a church which is having disputes, divisions about doctrine, and how and what customs are acceptable, such as: shaving one’s head, covering women’s heads, men with long hair, etc. In verse 16, “But if any man seem to be contentious, we […]

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The truth about Jesus’ last supper – Part 1 of 2

This is one of the deep, dark mysteries which seemingly befuddles the masses. If we approach the subject from this point of view, we are certainly going to wind up in the same mess as the church did during the dark ages. First, let me say that all scripture is easily understood, if we will […]

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