By Grace or By Faith

In this paper, I intend to prove that God never intended to do away with His commandments or the Old Testament.  The only part of the Old Testament that was done away with were the laws directly concerning the worshipping system in the Jewish Temple that was located in Jerusalem, before Rome destroyed the Temple […]

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With Faith, you cannot sin (Part 2 of 3)

If thoughts only originate by you thinking, then how can you think about things you never learned?  And if you never learned about a particular idea or subject, then how is it possible to think about it? The answer is: It is not possible for the human brain to think about anything it did not […]

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Bible Prophecy: The four empires of earth (Part 5 of 5)

Daniel chapters 11 & 12 tells us what happens. Western Kingdom: England, Spain, Portugal and everything west of Italy (Rome) Eastern Kingdom: Persia (southern Russia to Turkey to India to Egypt to India) Northern Kingdom: Northern Europe (Italy to Yugoslavia to one-half of Germany and Austria) Southern Kingdom: North and South Africa The Northern kingdom […]

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Death (Part 3 of 3)

The Destruction of the earth The Destruction of the earth is a fact. It cannot be stalled or stopped. Once Adam and Eve set the human race on the road to destruction, the countdown began; it is called ‘Time’.  This is why God designed an escape plan for human beings called Salvation, which simply means […]

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