Human Identity, Subcultures and War (Part 2 of 2)

A person’s identity is their foundation of life itself.  Once a child has grown into an adult, and sometimes earlier, that person’s identity has been formed.  It is who they believe they are.  It is the basis of the human brain’s balance. Every human being is born with instincts, but the culture into which a […]

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Human Identity, Subcultures and War (Part 1 of 2)

Every person on earth develops an identity.  An identity is the foundational beliefs of a human being.  Each person born on earth is subjected to the teachings of their parents, friends, neighbors, community, and teachers.  The information taught to the child growing-up forms the basis of their identity.  Every nation on earth controls the basic information […]

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Basic Instinct (Part 5 of 12): Keeping women imprisoned

Let’s investigate a so-called imprisoned female from an ancient eastern society first.  In her brain, she is convinced she is a prisoner in her own home.  Does she really differ from a modern Western woman?  No!  Just 50 years ago in the U.S., a woman felt imprisoned in her own home, because she was not […]

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Basic Instinct (Part 4 of 12): What do women want?

Sigmund Freud established his theory in the 19th century that understanding a woman was impossible, which is why he labeled women “the dark continent”.  He openly wrote that women could not answer his question, which was “What do women want?” He subjected women to his warped mind.  The reason this question cannot be answered by […]

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