For Jews Only (Part 25 of 42): The second thousand year Reich (Kingdom) – the Roman Catholic Church – Part A

The First Thousand Year Reich (kingdom) of Rome lasted from 45 A.D. to 1045 A.D.  It begins with Rome murdering Jesus.  It encompasses the destruction of Israel in 70 A.D., and ended with the Roman Crusader Wars on a quest to destroy Jesus’ Church! The first thousand years saw the birth and death of the […]

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For Jews Only (Part 10 of 42): The Collapse of the Roman Empire – Part A

The Bible accounts and the recorded historical accounts agree that the Roman Empire was turned upside down by these thick headed, never wavering Jewish people, who had always refused to reject their belief in their One God (the God of Israel) who is not the God of the Gentiles! Jewish stubbornness caused widespread belief in […]

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Death (Part 3 of 3)

The Destruction of the earth The Destruction of the earth is a fact. It cannot be stalled or stopped. Once Adam and Eve set the human race on the road to destruction, the countdown began; it is called ‘Time’.  This is why God designed an escape plan for human beings called Salvation, which simply means […]

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