For Jews Only (Part 25 of 42): The second thousand year Reich (Kingdom) – the Roman Catholic Church – Part A

The First Thousand Year Reich (kingdom) of Rome lasted from 45 A.D. to 1045 A.D.  It begins with Rome murdering Jesus.  It encompasses the destruction of Israel in 70 A.D., and ended with the Roman Crusader Wars on a quest to destroy Jesus’ Church! The first thousand years saw the birth and death of the […]

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For Jews Only (Part 23 of 42): The Roman Crusader Wars – Part A

In the tenth century A.D., the Romans were on the march again.  The Roman Bitches that bore the Beast were bloodthirsty again!  Only this time they presented themselves as the Church of Jesus Christ.  Their uniforms were a white chest cloth with a large red cross over their iron armour.  They were out to recapture […]

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For Jews Only (Part 9 of 42): Has God forgotten His people Israel and the Jews? – Part B

Judaism had existed and flourished since the days of Abraham, who is the father of Judaism. Approximately 2,000 years later, the man named Jesus came upon the scene teaching the Jewish people that Judaism had been perverted.  He then proceeded to reinstate the vital meanings of original Judaism, which became known as Christianity within a […]

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For Jews Only (Part 8 of 42): Has God forgotten His people Israel and the Jews? – Part A

It is time to deal with the plight of the Jews.  Has God forgotten His chosen people? No!  The only reason Christians tell others that God is finished with the Jews, is because they have robbed the Jews of their Jewish religion, their Jewish Messiah, and their Jewish God known as the God of Israel.  […]

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